In our day and night and not only contrary and seasons are opposite Brazil, world cup looming anxiety to sponsor more than season brings us. Today, from the world cup opening just 60 days. Three venues, including St Paul, Cuiaba, not Curitiba, completion, and infrastructure related to Porto Alegre field was not detected by FIFA. 13 be responsible transport task airport during the world cup, now only two completed the renovation.
The International Olympic Committee met with peer FIFA encountered "Brazil procrastination", decided this month, by the IOC Executive director fees and monthly events visits Brazil, urging the schedule, so that the Olympic Games in 2016 Rio into "Rio adventure 2". Brazil not only in football grams of Germany, in the style of doing things will g Germany, troubled by the German Bach led the ioc. President Rousseff played more than ten minutes to call FIFA chairman Blatter, only one theme: I act, you can rest assured, Da. Blatter also had to answer ok.
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