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Only Pep Guardiola Can Make Final Decision

After Bayern Munich beats Arsenal with the final scores 5 to 1, Imfifa.co think this is the best period for Pep Guardiola in his career. Pep Guardiola becomes the coach of Bayern in the summer of 2013, he builds the team according to his own football philosophy and he does a good job.

It is hard to imagine that he would leave at the end of this season, his agent Josep Maria Orobitg watched the game against Arsenal last week and visited the next day's training. But Orobitg reveals that he does not know Guardiola's real thoughts.It seems that Pep Guardiola is the only person who can make the decision. Maybe the current news about Guardiola has reached a contract with Bayern is wrong, but Guardiola does not say he will refuse to renew signs either.

The only sure thing is that Bayern will open negotiations with Pep Guardiola after the end of the first half of the season. Whether Guardiola will renew or not, it depends on Guardiola's choice. Let's wait and see his final decision on imfifa.co where you can buy the cheapset FIFA 16 coins.