FIFA 18 is scheduled to be on sale late September. The following is some latest information related FIFA 18. More information is on where you can buy cheap FIFA 18 Coins.
1. Will FIFA18 use VR (Virtual Reality Technology)?
Everything you see in this aspect is purely speculation. Although the VR equipment has achieved early success in the market, and began to affect the game industry, EA has no indication that virtual reality technology will become part of FIFA18.
With regard to the future of VR technology in FIFA games, we can very easily make a prediction - especially now more cinema game mode has become a reality, such as "The Journey". However, there are not many signs that this is a top priority, and because of the boom of the development of competitive games, it is difficult to see the core of the game experience changes.
2. Resolution of FIFA 18 Switch version is 1080P / 60 frames
At 2017 Cologne Game Show, "FIFA 18" oversight producer told the foreign media the resolution details of the "FIFA 18" Switch version. The producers said they spent a lot of time in really understanding this host.
Although the resolution of the handheld mode is somewhat low, the development team also devoted a lot of time dedicated to optimize, to ensure that the game in the handheld mode can also run with 60 frames.
Although "FIFA 18" landed Switch, the Switch version did not use new technology for development, and lacks some function. "FIFA 18" will be on sale on September 29 when we can play the game on the Switch with 1080P image quality of the game.
3.During the pre-sale period, the NS version has Draft Mode, Squad Building challenges, Seasons, Tournaments, Team of the Week challenges. The NS version will be gradually updated, and announce more content at the end of the year.